Our professional studio, in synergistic professional collaboration with a Trust and Audit Company, enrolled in Division II of the List held by the Ministry of Economic Development, deals with all phases and all areas related to the creation of a trust and its ordinary and pathological life. In detail, professional services consist of:
- Opening and fiduciary registration of bank accounts and securitiesdeposits both in Italy and abroad.
- Fiduciaryregistrationof asset management.
- Registration, management and safekeeping of assets, donations, bonds and foundations, securities and chattel’s value, the management of bequests and testamentary executions, inheritance management, hereditary succession.
- Fiduciary registration, consulting and planning of real estate.
- Participation in corporations, including foreign law, the respective fiduciary registrationof listed and non-listed stocks; Fiduciary registration of listed and non-listed bonds, government bonds, various credit certificates – Transfer of equity investments.
- Deposits and registrations of values with specific constraints.
- Representation in commercial negotiations, for purchases both in Italy and abroad in private and anonymous form.
- TRUST administration, with TRUSTEE or PROTECTOR function in”internal and external” Trusts
- Non-Resident tax representation and companies domiciliation.
- Registration of shareholder contributions to the capital accountor unproductive loans–Bond loan.
- Corporate Accounting Revision and Organization and Voluntary Due Diligence.
- Institution of securities on behalf of third parties; Deposit of pawns as third custodian; Registrations for warranty purposes.
- Subscription of insurance policies as Contractor and Beneficiary
- Credit registration and pro-soluto purchase of uncollectible accounts; Credits registration towards the Exchequer to simplify the settlement operations;
- Stock Option Plans.
- Participation, representation and assistance in the business partners’ meeting, shareholder or owners of preference shares and bondholders and practise of the right to vote.
- Development, management, organization and participation in union/corporate agreements; Administration of block of sharesconditioned by union agreements.
- Collection of dividends and profits – Application of the Fees.
- IntellectualPropertyRights Management.
- Financial Family Office – FFO.
- Establishment and management of the database “Unicoinformatico” (ex 197/91) for the purpose of anti-money laundering and of statistical monetary reporting for professionals, non-financial professionals, mediatorsenrolled with the list described in Art. 113 of T. U. B. Holding company and other obliged subjects.
- Withholding agent assignments relating to the fulfillment of obligations expected by Legislative Decree n. 461/97 on capital gain.
- Auxiliary function of the Board of Statutory Auditors.
- Holding shareholders’ register and Bonds – Management office associates.-Secretarial service.
- Otherservices